
Posts Tagged ‘texting’

You Have My Mobile Number, Please Don’t Abuse It

In Uncategorized on May 11, 2011 at 4:54 pm

My dental office sends me a text message to remind me that I have upcoming dental appointments. I think it’s a great service. Especially for those that do not manage calendars and schedules well. I am a time management machine. What do you expect, I have four kids going different directions almost every day of the week. I also don’t mind when my dental office text me to wish a happy birthday or Merry Christmas…you get the point.

I however, do not want to be informed of their Facebook contests, bleaching specials, etc. Am I over reacting? What do you think? I have several mobile numbers of clients. I feel honored they have entrusted me with this contact info. If I were to text them with a sales message, I’m sure they would feel I was abusing the relationship. Again, what do you think? I know everyone thinks that having thousands if Facebook friends or follows will be their marketing savior and that it does nit cost anything, but if you abuse a privilege to draw attention to that page, it might cost more than you think.

As for me, I will continue to use my dentist, but rest assured they will hear about this. It would be a disservice for me not to bring it up.